Urgent Action – Your GUP Reply

Santa Clara County has released the Recirculated Portions of the Draft EIR on the Stanfor GUP.  This was released in June 2018 and was the result of actions taken from  public commentson the Stanford GUP submitted prior to Feb 2nd.   It is critical that you send a response on the Recirculated Portions of the Stanford General Use Permit (GUP) Draft EIR by July 26th.  As a community, we are highly impacted by Stanford’s development plans and we individuals need to speak up now to insure we are heard, that serious traffic and safet issues are mitigated, that our standard of living is not negatively impacted.   Your response will get a reply from the project management team.  

What you can do:   Attend the public meetins in Menlo Park and Palo Alto.  Read the Recirculated Portions of the Stanford GUP.   Send a reply on the Stanford GUP.  Look at the information provided by this page and its links, peruse the issue summaries, look at impact analysis points to get informed, then send your email response to Santa Clara County Planning Commission (use of this link will copy City of Menlo Park and County of San Mateo).

Critical Time Frame   Your response must be there by July 26th.

This is a 17 year plan that is going through the approval process.  In recent years we have seen double digit growth on our roads with little to no effective mitigation.  Our roads are currently saturated and stalemated during am/pm communtes, yet the development that caused this growth is still on going:  For example the Quary Rd expansion of 170,000 sq ft was just approved this month and most of that traffic is projected to be on Sand Hill and Alpine roads.

Some resources that might help you form a resonse are available on various webpages on this site.  We will, over the course of the next days, be adding more and more information, links, sharing responses — all with the goal making it easier to get informed and easier to email or mail a response on the Stanford GUP.


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