What is a Sharrow?
Sharrows are used to guide motorists and cyclists when there is no bike lanes on a roadway. They are a reminder to drivers and bicyclists to share the traffic lane and to do that with respect and safety in mind.
Bike Safety in General:
Please give extra room for cyclists. California 3 Feet Safety Act requires that cyclists be provided a full 3 feet when passing. Don’t ‘squeeze’ past cyclists, as any wooble or road crack might cause them to collide.
A few pointers about roadways with sharrows:
Sharrows are used through out the bay area and in our area and they are being installed on sections of Santa Cruz Ave and Alameda, at least until such time we can get actual bike lanes.
When you see sharrows here are some things to remember:
1) Set the example. Slow down and give plenty of room for the cyclist ahead of you — you both are sharing the road, don’t try to pass them by squeezing by them in the lane.
2) Cyclists will be riding in the center of the traffic lane, not the edge. This allows them to avoid what is called the open door zone caused when parked cars open their doors.
3) Keep an extra eye out for kids on bikes – we live in a school route zone and there are scores of children that use our Santa Cruz and Alameda corridor.
4) Cyclists: Sharrows are a reminder to avoid the door zone of parked cars. Please follow the rules of the road: Yield to pedestrians, obey traffic signs and signals, show courtesy and respect, pay attention to cars entering/exiting their driveways, and don’t ride the wrong way.