SAFE Issue #3 – Crosswalk at Sharon+Santa Cruz


The intersection at Sharon Rd and Santa Cruz and Oakdell is the site of ongoing and consistent traffic accidents.   There is limited visibility at times due to sunlight glare, shading, and trees, and an unusual offset of Sharon and Oakdell.  A common accident is rear ending when a lead car stops for pedestrians and the column of cars behind are not aware of the unexpected stop. 

—  Please check this video that covers some of the safety issues of this crosswalk. 

— This video shows children’s use of this crosswalk and safety issues some of the safety issues of this crosswalk.


Click on the File link below to see the full Safety Issue and proposed solution options.  Have a suggestion or concern? Enter your Comment below.

4 thoughts on “SAFE Issue #3 – Crosswalk at Sharon+Santa Cruz”

  1. Dave Gildea

    pavement lights
    The existing pavement lights can be improved. The pavement lights at Ravenswood & Alma by the RR tracks are brighter and higher and more visible than the pavement lights at Santa Cruz & Sharon. The DPW maintenance plan should include a periodic review. Two of the 6 lights are out.

  2. Carin Pacifico

    sidewalk at Sharon and Santa Cruz
    What little sidewalk is now in place on the southwest corner of Sharon and Santa Cruz required extensive and persistent lobbying before the Board of Supervisors (!) when the lot at that corner was subdivided by the developer. It seems absurd to require a $600 appeal to the BofS in order to get very simple safety improvement to this school-bus stop in the unincorporated area four blocks from La Entrada. The appeal was filed, the small sidewalk “island” at the corner was put in place so that pedestrians were not at risk from southbound cars trying to pass-on-the-right the stopped traffic trying to turn left onto Oakdell. Even more absurd….it is the only safety improvement to this busy “cut-through” street in the last 10 years.

    1. Dave, your video – great documentation!

      Dave, your video does a great job documenting the unsafe issues at this crosswalk.  Not sure why the police that were there did NOT enforce the violations.    I put links to your video and the other video about safety issues at this crosswalk near the top of this webpage and on the main Safe webpage.

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