Paddy O’Sullivan

Paddy O’Sullivan was a poet in North Beach during the 1950s and 60s. He was known for his “Cavalier Poetry” and was often seen in a Cavalier costume, which might explain the cape and feathered hat. He had a hook for a hand, adding to his distinctive appearance.

I met Paddy O’Sullivan in the mid 1980’s at La Honda’s Apple Jacks, a favorite hangout for all the local Santa Cruz mountain folks and many Bay Area adventurers. My girlfriend Syd and I would walk in to AJ’s and find an empty booth along the wall near the shuffle board and enjoy a brew. Often, we would welcome the company of a transplant from the North Beach beat poets of the 1950’s and 60’s: Paddy O’Sullivan. We would make room for Paddy and order a beer for him. It was so interesting to talk with Paddy and listen to his stories. He quite enamored with Syd and would recite poems for her.

In the late 1950’s, he wrote “Weep not my Children”, a poetic pamphlet containing several of his poems. I still have a signed copy. I remember him carrying around a little note pad in his pocket. He would thumb through and quote from various writings. Sometimes he would write something down. That notepad seemed to always be a part of him.

Wes Rose, one of our University Park neighbors, remembers Paddy well. He met Paddy in La Honda. Wes says that a women, Barbara Lutz, had a used clothing store and she brought Paddy to La Honda in the late 1970s.. She later opened a dry goods store in La Honda. Meanwhile, Paddy seemed to bounce between North Beach where he had a lot of friends in there and then back down to La Honda. Wes remembers many years ago when he was up in SF near City Lights bookstore and Vesuvio’s when he spotted a group poster of North Beach poets up on the bar’s bulletin board. As Wes looked at the poster closer and closer he realized that one of them was Paddy. Wes some how managed to get the poster and gave it to Betty Nogues who in turn gave it to Paddy. Betty remembers this too. I am not sure what happened to that poster after Paddy got it.

Joe Cottonwood, a local La Honda resident, carpenter, and author, has an interesting and informative article on Paddy. Joe recounts some of the same memories I and others have, yet Joe is a much better writer and so worth reading.

No one knows the real story of how Paddy lost his right hand. Wes remembers Paddy saying that a tiger had bitten it off. This was the most common story, although others remember it was a crocodile. Also unknown was when it occurred. Paddy appeared to have both hands in 1959 as seen in the video “Street Fair 1959” (see 1:15 where Paddy is shown in his feather hat).

Paddy O'Sullivan
Padriec ‘Paddy’ O’Sulivan – Late 1970s

Wes remembers Paddy was renown for telling stories. Paddy told Wes that he had Jack and Jackie Kennedy over to his New York City apartment for dinner. Evidently, Paddy’s wife was a classmate of Jackie’s and they stayed in contact. I assume that the timing of this was probably in the early to mid 1950’s. Paddy had some amazing stories about his life.

Another story Paddy’s told Syd and me, was that he was part of the Little Rascals – Our Gang series. I have researched this several times and have not been able to validate the story, although his age matched that of actors in the series. It may have been he was an uncredited extra or had a stage name.


1977-Paddy OSulivan
1977 – Paddy O’Sulivan
For Paddy O’Sullivan

Paddy O’Sullivan
home again wearing 
the scars of the past 
like an engraved bracelet
passed on from one lover to another
walking the streets of north beach
in search of old visions now only 
memories in the nightmare mirror 
of madness—swapping tales 
with obscene priests hung over in 
the drunkenness of eternal failure.

Paddy O’Sullivan of Kerouac tales
and Cassady visions
Paddy O’Sullivan walking
Washington Square
the bulldozer death lurking everywhere.

Paddy O’Sullivan does your typewriter
still talk to you in
the lonely hours of the night?
Paddy O’Sullivan alone inSan Francisco …

(excerpt from A.D. Winans’ North Beach Poems (1977))

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