Our neighborhood and other users of the Santa Cruz/Alameda Corridor are taking action by documenting the many safety issues along the corridor. There are so many issues and at so many locations along the corridor, that we have created a collection of specific issue focus points. So that each particular safety issue has clear focus and can stand on its own for discussion, without the issue being diluted by all of the other problems with in the corridor. (if you don’t see a list of the Safety Issues below, click here)
We have tried to create a consistent format for identifying each safety issue and, have formulated possible solutions or actions that would mitigate and potentially solve the issue. Please participate by looking through the problem issues we have identified and adding your thoughts, concerns, and suggestions by using the comment form at the bottom of the issue webpage. If you don’t see an issue defined yet, please identify in an email the issue and your description and ideas to Safety@UnivPark.org.
Click on the Particpate icon to identify what safety aspects you are interested in and to identify how you would like to particpate and get information.
We all know that our traffic corridors are growing worse and safety has not been addressed for over a dozen years. We concentrate on that section of Santa Cruz and Alameda de las Pulgas between Sand Hill and Avy Ave, yet we need to also pay attention to the traffic issues and planning (or lack of planning) on Alpine Road, Sand Hill Rd, and Junipero Sierra Blvd, as they all are major feeders to our corridor.